Author Archives: Ed Colley


February 13th, 2004 | by Ed Colley

Following the fortunes of Grace, a fugitive who seeks refuge in the small American community of Dogville, Danish director Lars


January 30th, 2004 | by Ed Colley

Gus Van Sant’s Elephant is very much like the clouds that fill the screen at certain points in the film.


January 30th, 2004 | by Ed Colley

Before discussing Sylvia, I’d like to quickly go though what are in my mind the four basic film categories: good-good

The Human Stain

January 23rd, 2004 | by Ed Colley

The Human Stain is an adaptation of the book of the same name by the great American novelist Philip Roth.

Something’s Gotta Give

January 21st, 2004 | by Ed Colley

There is a 40-minute period in the middle of Something’s Gotta Give that shows director Nancy Meyers had the chance

The Day After Tomorrow

January 18th, 2004 | by Ed Colley

Forget all that you have heard about The Day After Tomorrow’s dubious scientific basis. That the drastic climatological changes the

The Fighting Temptations

November 12th, 2003 | by Ed Colley

In The Fighting Temptations Cuba Gooding, Jnr. plays Darrin Hill, a down-on-his-luck advertising executive who discovers he is the sole

In the Cut

October 31st, 2003 | by Ed Colley

In The Cut, Jane Campion’s latest directorial outing, is yet another indie-feeling movie that will divide cinema audiences. Is it

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